Conspiracy Theory

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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Cousin Strawberry »

Check out this one Doc. ... h-anarchy/

Unfortunately i looked into the author a bit and found more wacko crap about aliens and shit but maybe, just maybe this one is real

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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Strangelove »

The Brown Wizard wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:07 am Check out this one Doc. ... h-anarchy/

Unfortunately i looked into the author a bit and found more wacko crap about aliens and shit but maybe, just maybe this one is real


Much of the conspiracy community has been trying to tie 5G in with COVID-19 in various ways.

This one is new.

But not to worry, we The Resistance are prepared to strike back against TPTB, whatever their end game may be!

BRING IT MOTHERFUCKERS!!! :evil: :twisted: :evil:
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Cousin Strawberry »

Yesterday the Pentagon released 3 separate videos of Navy footage containing UFOs complete with the very first official acknowledgement about the existence of UFOs.

In these videos the objects are defying the laws of known physics and traveling way beyond the capabilities of anything the US military will disclose as within their capacity.

Apparently this is a wateshed moment for the UFO community. So, that said...does the UFO phenomenon now gain legitimate credibility? Does Tom Delonghi move from being an absurd nutter to someone to be respected?

We have terrific conditions right now for sky watching so fuck it ima head out later with my bong to look for ET
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Mickey107 »

The Brown Wizard wrote: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:41 am Yesterday the Pentagon released 3 separate videos of Navy footage containing UFOs complete with the very first official acknowledgement about the existence of UFOs.

In these videos the objects are defying the laws of known physics and traveling way beyond the capabilities of anything the US military will disclose as within their capacity.

Apparently this is a wateshed moment for the UFO community. So, that said...does the UFO phenomenon now gain legitimate credibility? Does Tom Delonghi move from being an absurd nutter to someone to be respected?

We have terrific conditions right now for sky watching so fuck it ima head out later with my bong to look for ET
More later- :idea:
.......................................................................................................................a little better
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Strangelove »

The Brown Wizard wrote: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:41 am We have terrific conditions right now for sky watching so fuck it ima head out later with my bong to look for ET
The aliens are hiding from you because they relate more to gophers. :look:

Yeah, lots of conspiracy theories as to why the Pentagon is suddenly keen on feeding the UFO nutters.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Cousin Strawberry »

Thoughts on the Pentagon’s First Official and Public Admission of the UFO Reality

by Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, April 28, 2020

(To begin, there are multiple converging thoughts in this post, so please first read this in its entirety before commenting. Perhaps halfway through this post I'll address something you’re frothing over. Enough with the artificial outrage. It's also totally cool if you disagree with me, so no need to froth at your mouth. You're a guest on my page. And guests can be asked to leave. The following post also addresses the question of Disclosure, so pour yourself a cup of your favorite beverage and settle in.)

Yesterday, Monday April 27th 2020, Planet Earth experienced history when the United States Pentagon officially and publicly admitted that UFO’s are, in fact, real. Before we continue, let us please pause to explore and understand (!) what the term “UFO” means. By definition, the acronym U.F.O. stands for Unidentified Flying Object. We must admit and accept that these three words do not contain the words “extraterrestrial” nor “alien.” The term “UFO” simply implies that whatever is observed flying around cannot be identified. Stick with me. I’m going somewhere with this. And it is in our favor.

In the Pentagon’s press release from yesterday it is stated that, “The Department of Defense has authorized the release of three unclassified Navy videos, one taken in November 2004 and the other two in January 2015, which have been circulating in the public domain after unauthorized releases in 2007 and 2017.”

So yes, it is true that the now-declassified videos which are now considered to be “genuine,” have been leaked and/or stolen years ago and have circulated in our “field” for quite some time. Whether these leaks were done deliberately, by accident, or through espionage is irrelevant to me. It is therefore also true that these 3 videos could be considered as “old.” However, as an Ancient Astronaut Theorist who has been talking about E.T. intervention evidence in humanity’s ancient past going back thousands of years, referring to these modern Navy clips as “old” is downright bizarre. Who cares how old these clips are?! To me, a video from 2007 ain’t “old,” it’s brand spankin’ new, and it should be to everyone else as well.

So yes, these videos have been known and have been circulated in OUR community for a while. Splendid! I am stoked beyond words that we’ve been ahead of the curve. However, guess what? Right now, with yesterday’s release, countless of NEW people around the planet have seen these video clips for the very first time in their lives. Clips that WE have taken for granted. Please don’t become impatient with the newcomers. For decades, the UFO community WANTED for something like this to happen, and now it IS happening and some people are rolling their eyes? Have we all lost our minds? Now is NOT the time to roll eyes and claim, “I told you so!” Take it in stride and just smile. Wink if you have to, I don’t care.

Many people who have seen me at my lectures know that one of my favorite questions to answer is, ‘Hey Giorgio, when do you think Disclosure will happen?” and for the past 20 years I have given the same answer: Disclosure is not a one-time event. Disclosure will not be a one-time press conference in which they’ll announce, “ETs are real!” No, Disclosure is and will be a drawn-out process. In fact, we are right smack-dab in the middle OF Disclosure. It IS happening all around us! Culminated by yesterday’s Pentagon’s press release. (And who are “they” anyway? No need to answer, I’m not a fan of conspiracies and no, the Ancient Astronaut Theory is not a conspiracy, all the elements are out in the open.)

In 2019, in regards to the then-leaked Navy UFO videos, Prof. Dr. Michio Kaku stated the following, “We’ve reached a turning point. It used to be that believers had to prove that these objects were from an intelligent race in outer space. Now the burden of proof is on the government to prove they’re not from intelligent beings in outer space.”

Kaku’s statement presents a game changer. Whom am I going to listen to? A physicist/futurist who eats about acceleration mathematics and string theory for breakfast or some dude who did “research on YouTube”? Kaku adds, “We now know they fly between Mach 5 and Mach 20 — five to 20 times the speed of sound. We know they zigzag so fast that any pilot would be crushed by centrifugal force.”

I cannot stress enough that we must accept the fact that the Pentagon press release does NOT utter a single word about “extraterrestrials” or “aliens.” However, as with any press release (by anyone, by the way), we must read between the lines of their statement. In other words, we must take into consideration that press releases are never completely spelled out. So what does this mean?

Either, the U.S. government just admitted to the entire planet that our “mighty” military is not the greatest and someone else on Earth has far more advanced technological capabilities than the U.S. (which is not my opinion), OR that what we see in these videos is NOT from this Earth.

Let us please remember that as far as the UFO and extraterrestrial question is concerned, it has always been and IS standard operating procedure of governments from around the world – not just the U.S. – to deny, deny, deny, to deflect, deflect, deflect, AND to ridicule, ridicule, ridicule! And ridicule. Did I mention that they make a point to ridicule us? So WHY on Earth would it be any different right now? OF COURSE the Navy would say that they’re releasing the now-unclassified footage because “it does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems” – uhm WHAT? Have you seen what these things can do? Stop, and change directions on a dime at speeds that have never been seen before? We are IN Disclosure right now, and as I mentioned earlier, it IS a process, not a one-time event. Drip, drip, drip. Here, have some UFO coffee! First filtered, and then we’ll have a double shot of UFEspresso.

Having said that, I welcome these latest developments BECAUSE to many around the planet, TODAY’s news is the first time in their entire lives that they have possibly ever heard about these video clips and the existence of UFOs.

I am fascinated that when some of these Navy videos were first leaked in December 2017, the public global reaction to them was sort of non-existent. The news about the leak AND the accompanying videos came and went. In the public’s eye, but NOT in the so-called UFO community! To repeat, I am NOT referring to us here, the magical alienheads, the initiates, I am referring to the people who either didn’t pay attention or when they did, they laughed in our faces and simply didn’t care. Which is ok.

However, with yesterday’s release there is a marked difference compared to the December 2017 leak. So could there be a possible Covid19 connection, albeit a strange one? Perhaps. In no other time in human history have so many people globally been asked – mostly by fiat! (not the car company) – to stay home for longer periods of time. This inherently means that many people have a little bit more time on their hands and are therefore paying more attention to the news like they never have before. Meaning, THIS IS the perfect time TO make such an admission.

Back then, in December of 2017, by and large, the leaked videos came and went. Well today, in April 2020, this news has actually made it onto the front page of EVERY newswire across Mother Earth! This has NEVER happened before. I cannot recall how many times I have said and proposed that, “The extraterrestrial question should be on the front page of every newspaper around the world.” Well it is now. DURING Corona. Where a LOT of humans are home, looking at their devices.

I am therefore flummoxed by the eye rolling by some people who “knew” about this all along and/or who have been “into this topic” for decades. As if you and I were asleep all these years. To them I offer kindly, please be patient. Be patient with the rest of the world to catch up. Please don’t act superior and snooty. It makes you look a dick. Just because today's "official" Pentagon news is "boring" to you (!) does NOT mean that what happens right now (at the BEGINNING of the week, NOT a Friday at 5pm) isn't significant and sensational, and possibly revolutionary news to the rest of the planet! Welcome them instead! We are on our magical blue sparkler together as one. Instead of rolling your eyes at the latecomers, welcome them with open arms, embrace them! (well, after the Covid19 thing is settled)

The public global denial of UFOs has been going on for the better part of 60 years. Now it IS happening, another step toward Disclosure (which again, is not a one-time event, it is a process), and some people in our “field” are scoffing at it? Please don’t become a self-aggrandizing navel gazer. And to ANYONE who claims that I am “following the official narrative,” just and sit down. I am a producer of Ancient Aliens. If I’d follow the official narrative there would be no show, so come on already and stop being a heel snapper. (By heel snapper I'm not referring to shoes, I'm referring to people jostling for attention by trying to snap at someone else's pant legs.)

Here’s a reason perhaps why the greater world population doesn’t much bat an eye at yesterday’s news, and it may perhaps be a psychological and philosophical one. I think that everyone on Earth, inherently “knows,” whether they “believe” it or not, that our intelligence is not from Earth. That our origin is from OUT THERE, that we are a product of an ancient extraterrestrial artificial evolution executed on our human ancestors here on Earth. And therefore, we inherently “know” that each and everyone of us originated “from up there,” from the stars. It’s WIRED into our subconscious, that the greatest secret of humankind is that we are an artificial, genetic creation by visiting intelligent extraterrestrial who saw potential in our early human race and ennobled us to do incredible things here on Mother Earth.

Last but not least, let’s please also recognize that it is an irrevocable fact that some people would not recognize if a UFO raced up their own ass. So go figure. We live in the most exciting and strangest of times! Let’s embrace it! Let’s be excited about this journey! Let’s all become a bit less cynical. It’ll look so much better on all of us. Find your light! Ditch the dark side.

Monday, April 27, 2020 represented the lighting of another bright candle. This new light will soon glow brighter and brighter and ultimately will alter the course of modern history in the best of ways. For all of us. And yes, for you too.

I am grateful and proud of everyone in our community who knew about and explored this topic for decades and towed the line. But I also welcome ALL new seekers. The journey has only just begun. To them I say, welcome home!

Signed, Keys

PS: To repeat, it's ok to disagree with the above so please take it easy on the artificial outrage. What's with the hate anyway. It is shocking and beyond tragic that even while this global crisis is killing fellow human beings many still harbor and spew profound hate and anger at people they’ve never even gotten to know personally. To those souls, I AM sorry for whatever happened in their lives that seemingly the only way they can react is with rage and putting down others. I am sending you endless love.
I cant be bothered cropping out weirdio Giorgios' diatribe but the bolded part is a little bit about their capabilities.

Trip out on that!

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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Cousin Strawberry »

Whats with all these fuckwits spreading their youtube backed nonsense about 5G?

Is there some medical condition where those with double digit IQs feel the need to seek out the most absurd and far fetched rubbish to preach about from their fisher price soap boxes? Why would you shout from the rooftops how dumb you actually are? Wouldnt you just sit back in the shadows and try and figure it out from a distance, away from all the mocking?
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Strangelove »

The Brown Wizard wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:35 am Whats with all these fuckwits spreading their youtube backed nonsense about 5G?

Is there some medical condition where those with double digit IQs feel the need to seek out the most absurd and far fetched rubbish to preach about from their fisher price soap boxes? Why would you shout from the rooftops how dumb you actually are? Wouldnt you just sit back in the shadows and try and figure it out from a distance, away from all the mocking?
Yeah, 95% of it is sheer idiocy.

Although I'll admit I've see one or two where they got all sciency around an aspect that really made me think.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Cousin Strawberry »

Strangelove wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:44 pm
The Brown Wizard wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:35 am Whats with all these fuckwits spreading their youtube backed nonsense about 5G?

Is there some medical condition where those with double digit IQs feel the need to seek out the most absurd and far fetched rubbish to preach about from their fisher price soap boxes? Why would you shout from the rooftops how dumb you actually are? Wouldnt you just sit back in the shadows and try and figure it out from a distance, away from all the mocking?
Yeah, 95% of it is sheer idiocy.

Although I'll admit I've see one or two where they got all sciency around an aspect that really made me think.
5% accuracy might be a fair expectation. Its the old clock/twice a day rate of success
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Cousin Strawberry »

I've read about this intriguing evidence before but was all lit up watching a recently made doc on prime where they cited this evidence which re-tickled my battered medula.

Fuck man it sure sounds pretty convincing. Dr Meldrum is absolutely the sanest mind in the field. Read his book Sasquatch, legend meets science. Its damn good
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

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The Brown Wizard wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 2:24 pm I've read about this intriguing evidence before but was all lit up watching a recently made doc on prime where they cited this evidence which re-tickled my battered medula.

Fuck man it sure sounds pretty convincing. Dr Meldrum is absolutely the sanest mind in the field. Read his book Sasquatch, legend meets science. Its damn good
So Sasquatch is people? :wow: (well 1 in 5000 chance at least)

Interesting, but I guess this means we can't eat them. :(

I found the original episode from the Monster Quest series on The History Channel:

Twas well-made, scientific, and contained other Canadian encounters with Bigfoot as well.

Thanks Wiz, I quite enjoyed it and it wouldn't surprise me if this is real. :cheers:
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Strangelove »

This seems like a good place for exposing some of the ways today's media manipulates the masses...
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Cousin Strawberry »

Ya that doesnt surprise me in the least. Humanity are just cattle being led from paddock to pen without even knowing we're in a cage.

On a somewhat related note, i got around to it and watched Planet of Humans. Its what i and many others have suspected all along. Green energy is a giant fucking sham and all the environmental crusader organizations like Sierra and 350org are all puppets for the exact same billionaire elites that have been driving big oil for the past however many years.

Thankfully it isnt Michael Moore who made it even though he had a hand in it apparently, Jeff Gibbs is a friend or something but is far easier to sit through.

Definitely worth the time to watch it
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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Post by Strangelove »

The Brown Wizard wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 5:24 pm Ya that doesnt surprise me in the least. Humanity are just cattle being led from paddock to pen without even knowing we're in a cage.

On a somewhat related note, i got around to it and watched Planet of Humans. Its what i and many others have suspected all along. Green energy is a giant fucking sham and all the environmental crusader organizations like Sierra and 350org are all puppets for the exact same billionaire elites that have been driving big oil for the past however many years.

Thankfully it isnt Michael Moore who made it even though he had a hand in it apparently, Jeff Gibbs is a friend or something but is far easier to sit through.

Definitely worth the time to watch it
I just heard Spidey roll over in his grave! :D
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