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Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:54 pm
by rats19
Hegelian Dialectic ...... :idea:

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:58 pm
by Strangelove
rats19 wrote:Hegelian Dialectic ...... :idea:
A logic scheme once upon a time designed to bring freedom to the masses (by using reason to discover Truth)

... now purported by some to have been perverted by... them :look: ... allegedly to strip away freedom.

(strip away freedom whilst providing a false sense of freedom?)

Ironic, ain't it? :mex:

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:06 pm
by rats19
Strangelove wrote:
rats19 wrote:Hegelian Dialectic ...... :idea:
A logic scheme once upon a time designed to bring freedom to the masses (by using reason to discover Truth)

... now purported by some to have been perverted by... them :look: ... allegedly to strip away freedom.

(strip away freedom whilst providing a false sense of freedom?)

Ironic, ain't it? :mex:
ironic and working... :crazy:

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:16 am
by Topper ... human-life

Dark matter's wobbling disk dislodged an asteroid leading to the K-T boundary event and subsequent mass extinction.


Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:32 pm
by Strangelove
Topper wrote: ... human-life

Dark matter's wobbling disk dislodged an asteroid leading to the K-T boundary event and subsequent mass extinction.

Hmmm... so this hypothetical dark matter can bring about climate change (an ice age) here on Earth?

Government better tax the fuck out of us to prevent dat dere! :lol:

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:13 pm
by Strangelove

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 6:40 am
by Arachnid
Bitter pill now that the US minions can sue them but interesting term....'Victory by Archive' ... h4Wrzpq.01

Sounds like Docs boys in power....war criminals r us 8-)

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:02 pm
by Strangelove
Arachnid wrote:Bitter pill now that the US minions can sue them but interesting term....'Victory by Archive' ... h4Wrzpq.01

Sounds like Docs boys in power....war criminals r us 8-)
I can hardly wait until The Donald gets his hands on the launch codes! :thumbs:

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 7:09 pm
by Strangelove
Trump has a time machine...

Hopefully Mr Trump is successful in his attempt to save the world!

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:42 pm
by Cornuck
Staten Island Ferry Disaster Memorial Museum

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:36 pm
by Strangelove
Cornuck wrote:Staten Island Ferry Disaster Memorial Museum


The explanation I hear is that the beast was created by a team of scientists working for... them...

... beast got loose and took out the SS Cornelius Kolff so... they :look: ... took out Kennedy later that day.

(as a distraction)

Either that or it was aliens (right Dan?) :lol:

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 11:22 am
by Cousin Strawberry
Strangelove wrote:
Cornuck wrote:Staten Island Ferry Disaster Memorial Museum


The explanation I hear is that the beast was created by a team of scientists working for... them...

... beast got loose and took out the SS Cornelius Kolff so... they :look: ... took out Kennedy later that day.

(as a distraction)

Either that or it was aliens (right Dan?) :lol:
Holy hell. Why haven't i heard of this before???
The Kracken got them...

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:17 am
by Cousin Strawberry
Bastard! I was all in on that one lol

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 12:29 pm
by rats19

Re: Conspiracy Theory

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:53 am
by Per
Here's Another Interesting Conspiracy Theory: ... .88gyipjt7
let’s pretend we’re the Trump administration (not necessarily Trump himself, more likely his inner circle) for a second. Here’s our playbook:
1.We launch a series of Executive Orders in the first week. Beforehand, we identify one that our opponents will complain loudly about and will dominate the news cycle. Immigration ban. Perfect.
2.We craft the ban to be about 20% more extreme than we actually want it to be — say, let’s make the explicit decision to block green card holders from defined countries from entering the US, rather than just visa holders. We create some confusion so that we can walk back from that part later, but let’s make sure that it’s enforced to begin with.
3.We watch our opposition pour out into the streets protesting the extremes of our public measure, exactly as we intended. The protests dominate the news, but our base doesn’t watch CNN anyway. The ACLU will file motions to oppose the most extreme parts of our measure, that’s actually going to be useful too. We don’t actually care if we win, that’s why we made it more extreme than it needed to be. But in doing so, the lawsuit process will test the loyalty of those enforcing what we say.
4.While the nation’s attention is on our extreme EO, slip a few more nuanced moves through. For example, reconfigure the National Security Council so that it’s led by our inner circle. Or gut the State Department’s ability to resist more extreme moves. That will have massive benefits down the road — the NSC are the folks that authorize secret assassinations against enemies of the state, including American citizens. Almost nobody has time to analyze that move closely, and those that do can’t get coverage.
5.When the lawsuits filed by the ACLU inevitably succeed, stay silent. Don’t tell the DHS to abide by the what the federal judge says, see what they do on their own. If they capitulate to the courts, we know our power with the DHS is limited and we need to staff it with more loyal people. But if they continue enforcing our EO until we tell them not to, we know that we can completely ignore the judicial branch later on and the DHS will have our back.
6.Once the DHS has made their move, walk back from the 20% we didn’t want in the first place. Let the green card holders in, and pretend that’s what we meant all along. The protestors and the ACLU, both clamoring to display their efficacy, jump on the moment to declare a huge victory. The crowds dissipate, they have to go back to work.
7.When the dust settles, we have 100% of the Executive Order we originally wanted, we’ve tested the loyalty of a department we’ll need later on, we’ve proven we can ignore an entire branch of government, and we’ve slipped in some subtle moves that will make the next test even easier.

We’ve just tested the country’s willingness to capitulate to a fascist regime.
:wow: :but: :baaa: